Grade 2 News

C.E.R.E.S. Excursion

Grade 2 students braved the cold weather to have a fantastic day out at CERES, Community Environment Park last Friday. As part of their science unit, they are learning about water, natural resources and sustainability. Students participated in organic gardening tasks, learned about the global footprint our food makes in its journey from seed to the table and played some fun water games.

Excursion to CERES
Excursion to CERES
Click images to enlarge

Grade 3 and 4 News

Professor Maths Incursion Grade 3-4

What a great way to start numeracy week. The grade3, 4 students had chance to explore different type of hands on maths activities. The Professor Maths "Hands-On" activities have been designed by Primary School maths teachers, one who has had over 40 years experience in the classroom. Each individual set of activities has had around two years of research and development including testing with teachers and students before they are released into an incursion.

I am extremely impressed with the Professor Maths equipment. The students were engaged and having fun and the maths games were well organised and well developed. What I was most impressed with was the involvement of the kinaesthetic visual, hand-eye, group work, problem solving challenges worked on within the groups, movement within the game circle and the thinking skills being developed. I would like to thank the staff and specialist teachers for their help during the incursion.

Mrs Sirin Marsh